Annual reports, state publication 1968-[Ongoing].


Annual reports, state publication 1968-[Ongoing].

These annual reports present a narrative and statistical overview of the Dept.'s activities for a fiscal year. Included are the Commissioner's report, reports of the divisions, plans and updates, financial statements, statistical data, and directories. Both the Mental Illness Services Division and the Mental Retardation Services Division contain individual reports on each residential treatment facility and community center. Tables and charts measure admissions and readmissions, and clients by age, family income, and service. The directories list the name, address, telephone number, and director of facilities, community centers, satellites, and contractual services. Organizational charts are often included, and earlier reports contain a brief history of the Dept. Annual reports may also be found in publications of the Alabama State Hospitals.

1 cubic ft. (1 records center carton).

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Alabama. Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (1984- ). (corporateBody)

Authorites: Alabama Government Manual. Sixth edition. Atlanta: Darby Printing Company. Alabama Official and Statistical Register, 1979. Montgomery: Skinner Printing Company, 1979. Code of Alabama 1958, Title 45, Sec. 189-230. Charlottesville: The Michie Company, 1959. Code of Alabama 1975, 22:50:1-22:50:62. Charlottesville: The Michie Company, 1977. Markley, Anne Ethelyn. Author Headings of the Official Publications of the ...

Alabama. Dept. of Mental Health (1965-1984). (corporateBody)